Saturday, December 21, 2019

Making up the Rococo Francois Boucher and His Critics

It seems quaint to a viewer in 2012 to consider that Franà §ois Bouchers paintings were, by some of the artists contemporary critics, viewed as pornographic. For those of us who live in the era of internet pornography, nothing could seem more quaintly innocent than Bouchers eroticized rococo. The twenty-first century viewer faces Boucher quizzically: we are left wondering how Bouchers work could have defined an artistic school and moment so completely, and also earned such opprobrium not only from his contemporaries but from subsequent generations. The simple answer although it would hardly appear obvious from Bouchers work is politics. Contemporary and subsequent response to Bouchers work is defined by a response to his powerful patrons. Melissa Hyde sees Bouchers work almost as a collaboration with that of his powerful patroness, and notes that Boucher would serve as tutor to Madame de Pompadour, and eventually received the highest honors that a painter could attain in his time, b y becoming officially premier peintre du roi (the kings first painter) and the director of the French Academy. This paper suggests that we may look in Bouchers use of classical motifs through his repeated depictions of the goddess Venus and understand an implicitly political ideology even in so unlikely a place as the eroticized frippery of the rococo. What may seem like vaguely classical decorative art in Boucher may be understood as implicitly offering an ideological stance: in some

Friday, December 13, 2019

Information System of Air Asia Free Essays

2. Information System of Air Asia Information systems are implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. Capabilities of the information system and characteristics of the organization, its work systems, its people, and its development and implementation methodologies together determine the extent to which that purpose is achieved. We will write a custom essay sample on Information System of Air Asia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Air Asia has carry out three type of information system such as yield management system (YMS), customer reservation system (CRS), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. This system make Air Asia more effective and efficiency and possibly able to reduce the cost and eliminated inefficiency in their business. 2. 1 Field Management System (YMS) Yield management system as revenue management system it understands, anticipates, and reacts to the behavior of customer to maximize revenues for the organization. In this system, Air Asia used it to takes into account the operating costs and aids Air Asia to optimizes price and allocate capacity to maximize expected revenues. Air Asia has done two level of optimization that is Seat and Route. For Seat is considered an opportunity to maximize revenue. Seats are available at various prices in different time. A reservation done at a later date will be charged more than the one done earlier (for the same seat). Next is Route, Route is the adjustment of price through a demand when the demand is higher compared to other. The effective method however is to combine these two levels for all flights, all routes so that both the seat and the route are effectively priced for all the flights. Air Asia can more understand the behavior of customer and offering the effectives and efficiency strategy. It also can allocate capacity to maximize the expected revenue. Air Asia can make efficiency to know their customer using IT technology with lowest cost by using this system. 2. 2 Customer Reservation System (CRS) Customer Reservation System is the second system that Air Asia implemented. It is an integrated web-based reservation and inventory system. It is includes Internet, call center, airport departure control. It also a direct sales engine that effectively eliminates the travel agents and the sales commissions that need to be paid to them. By using this system, Air Asia can reduce the cost and eliminates the travel agents and the sales commission to pay them. After that, this system are very customer friendly because the entire customer if want to buy or make a reservation a ticket directly via online, and no need to come to the ticket counter. In conclusion, by using this system effectively, efficiency, customer satisfaction, fast and secure in buying a ticket already met. It means the lowest cost can possibly achieve. 2. 3 Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) The last system that Air Asia used in maximized IT to meet the lowest cost during their business activities is the implementation of enterprise resource system (ERP). ERP can represent a comprehensive software approach to support decisions concurrent with planning and controlling the business. ERP is the system that integrated comprehensive software to make the information technology system more effectively and efficiently. By implementing this package, Air Asia is looking to successfully maintain process integrity, reduce financial month-end closing processing times, and speed up reporting and data retrieval processes. In addition, it is a system focusing on capturing transactions in daily operations and helping Air Asia to save its operational costs as well as to increase the efficiency and integrity in its operation. REFERENCE http://itsaboutmymot. wordpress. com/2009/08/31/the-airasia-company-strategic-management-%E2%80%9C-how-airasia-can-be-a-leader-in-the-lowest-cost-carrier-in-the-airplane-industry%E2%80%9D/ How to cite Information System of Air Asia, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Errors in DNA Replication Essay Sample free essay sample

Deoxyribonucleic acid reproduction is a biological procedure that occurs in all life beings and transcripts their Deoxyribonucleic acid ; it is the footing for biological heritage. The procedure starts when one double-stranded DNA molecule produces two indistinguishable transcripts of the molecule. The cell rhythm ( mitosis ) besides pertains to the DNA replication/reproduction procedure. The cell rhythm includes interphase. prophase. metaphase. anaphase. and telophase. Each strand of the original double-stranded DNA molecule serves as templet for the production of the complementary strand. a procedure referred to as semi-conservative reproduction. Cellular proofreading and error-checking mechanisms guarantee near perfect fidelity for DNA reproduction. While most DNA replicates with reasonably high fidelity. errors do go on. with polymerase enzymes sometimes infixing the incorrect base or excessively many or excessively few bases into a sequence. Fortunately. most of these errors are fixed through assorted DNA fix processes. But some reproduction mistakes make it past these mechanisms. therefore going lasting mutants. We will write a custom essay sample on Errors in DNA Replication Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These altered nucleotide sequences can so be passed down from one cellular coevals to the following. and if they occur in cells that give rise to gametes. they can even be transmitted to subsequent organismic coevalss. Furthermore. when the cistrons for the DNA fix enzymes themselves become mutated. errors begin roll uping at a much higher rate. In eucaryotes. such mutants can take to malignant neoplastic disease. ERROR CORRECTION: Deoxyribonucleic acid reproduction mistakes include:A ) Adding bases ( more than that are supposed to be added ) . B ) Removing bases ( from topographic points they are supposed to be in ) . C ) Puting bases in incorrect topographic points. DNA polymerase enzymes are surprisingly peculiar with regard to their pick of bases during DNA synthesis. guaranting that the bases added to a turning strand are right paired with their complements on the templet strand ( i. e. . A’s with T’s. and C’s with G’s ) . However. these enzymes do do errors at a rate of about 1 per every 100. 000 bases. n worlds. with our 6 billion base braces in each diploid cell. that would amount to approximately 120. 000 errors every clip a cell divides. Fortunately. cells have evolved extremely sophisticated agencies of repairing most. but non all. of those errors. Some of the errors are corrected instantly during reproduction through a procedure known as proofreading. and some are corrected after reproduction in a procedure called mismatch fix. When an wrong base is added to the turning strand. reproduction is stalled by the fact that the nucleotide’s exposed 3?-OH group is in the â€Å"wrong† place. During proofreading. DNA polymerase enzymes acknowledge this and replace the falsely inserted nucleotide so that reproduction can go on. Proofreading holes about 99 % of these types of mistakes. but that’s still non good plenty for normal cell operation. After reproduction. mismatch fix reduces the concluding mistake rate even further. Falsely paired bases cause malformations in the secondary construction of the concluding Deoxyribonucleic acid molecule. During mismatch fix. enzymes acknowledge and repair these malformations by taking the falsely paired nucleotide and replacing it with the right base. DNA fix. include. basal deletion fix. nucleotide deletion fix. double-strand DNA interruption fix. and mismatch fix ( MMR ) .

Thursday, November 28, 2019

The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS)

Introduction The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) is an international system that is used in standardizing the classification and labeling of chemicals. The GHS describes the hazards of chemicals to health, environment, and body (Roughton Crutchfield, 2008).Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It also used in classification of other materials when they are compared with the other known hazardous chemicals. The GHS also assists in communicating information about hazardous chemicals including the protective measures needed to be taken that are placed on the labels and safety Data Sheets also known as the SDS. The GHS is important, because the information it gives is used in determination of hazardous chemicals as well as gives information about what is n eeded to prepare a label or the SDS when needed. Its application (GHS) is of benefit to governments and companies as well as the workforce and the public. According to researchers, using the GHS helps to lower the costs of healthcare, offer a safer working environment, increased efficiency, and lastly disseminating knowledge about hazardous materials and chemicals that a person can come into contact. (Roughton Crutchfield, 2008). The GHS method of classifying chemicals is used worldwide as a tool of creating a standard advancement in understanding dangerous chemicals and their properties. It provides a guideline and a mechanism that details how to use safely dangerous chemicals as well as how to transport and dispose of the chemicals. People also use the GHS to learn about the effects and precautions that are needed when handling hazardous chemicals. With the adoption and implementation of the safety data sheets in many work places, knowledge about the dangers of chemicals is becom ing more accessible and this has helped in formulating preventive and protective measures aimed at improving the health and safety of the work places. This paper will look at the history of the GHS, hazard classification of materials, testing requirements, and finally implementation. Discussion History The Globally GHS was created by the United Nations. It is an internationally agreed system of identifying and categorizing hazardous chemicals. The system was made to replace the many standard of classification that was being used in different countries. It was intended to introduce constituent criteria for labeling and classifying chemicals worldwide.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Development of the GHS began in 1992 at the Rio Conference, when various organizations such as the International Labor Organizations and government stakeholders met at a United Nations Conference (United Nations, 2005). Before it was instituted by the United Nations, different countries had different methods for identifying chemicals and their regulations differed. Although in part the systems were similar, they always resulted in creating multiple standards for classifications and labeling of essentially the same hazardous chemicals in different countries (United Nation, 2010). This difference in classification and labeling standards in different countries posed a great challenge to importation and exportation of hazardous chemicals. The system was and is meant to replace the different systems that are found in different regions. Although the GHS is not mandatory under the UN laws, the system helps participating countries by offering the infrastructure needed in its implementation. This has been very helpful especially to developing countries who cannot meet the cost of the infrastructure. During the 1992, United Nation Conference at Rio members agreed that there was need for a harmonized system. They said in a statement that, â€Å"A globally harmonized hazard classification and compatible labeling system, including material safety data sheets and easily understandable symbols, should be available if feasible, by the year 2000† (PHMA, 2010). Hazard Classification of Materials Under the GHS classification of hazardous materials (substances and mixtures), three steps are followed: Identification of relevant data regarding the hazards of a substance or mixture; Subsequent review of those data to ascertain the hazards associated with the substance or mixture; and A decision on whether the substance or mixture will be classified as a hazardous substance or mixture and the degree of hazard, where appropriate, by comparison of the data with agreed hazard classification criteria (United Nations, 2006). The criterion that is used by the GHS to classify hazardous material can be summarized as follows. Physical Hazards The Physical hazards a re identified and classified based on the ststem used by the UN in identification of these goods. Below are some of the substances labeled as hazardous and their definitions.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Explosives– under the GHS explosives are divided into six groups depending on how hazardous they are. The classification is adopted from the UN Dangerous Goods system. A Flammable Gas– under the GHS this is a gas that will burrn at temperatures below 20  °C when exposed to the air and their pressures are around 100 Kpa. The products or materials that are in this group are classified into either a one or two hazard category based on the results gotten after calculations. Flammable Aerosols– these are placed either under the category one or category two if their comp osition contains a component that is flammable. These can either be flammable solids , liquids or gasses. Oxidizing Gases these are gases that will release oxygen. they either cause or increase the rate at which substances are going to burn. The materials in this category are put under one class of category based on their ability to support ignition and fires. Gases under Pressure – thisare gases that are placed in counters that have very high pressures. They are also those gases that are stored as liquefied gases. The GHS considers them hazardous because if they are suddenly released they can cause physical damage or freezing. Their damage can extend to bodily harm, property and the environment. A Flammable Liquid liquids in this category will have their flash points at below 93 °C. these products under this class will be placed in four groups according to the boiling and flash points they have. A Flammable Solid these are solids that are going to ignite if they are moved just a little or they experience friction. Under this are powdered or granular in nature. They will be easily ignited when they come into contact with open flames and ignition sources. Self-Reactive Substances- these are mostly unstable liquids or solids that are going to heat up and burn even in closed containers. They do not require air to burn, excluded in this category are the explosives and oxidizing substances (United Nations, 2006). Others include, Pyrophoric Liquid, Pyrophoric Solid, Self-Heating Substances, Oxidizing Liquids, Oxidizing Solids, Organic Peroxides, Substances Corrosive to Metal, and Substances which on Contact with Water Emit Flammable Health Hazards Several substances have been labeled as being health hazards under the GHS. According to the GHS, they are identified by the effect they have on the health of a living thing. Acute Toxicity– substances and mixtures under this are placed under five categories. From these categories people can know what is required for protection, transportation and handling. Skin Corrosion – the term is used to refer to situations where the damage to the skin is irreversible after a person has been in contact with the chemical or substance for a substantial amount of time. Materials under this category are placed into one category known as the corrosion category. Skin Irritation the term is used to refer to situations when a person gets into contact with a substance and the damage they suffer on their skin is reversible.. These substances are placed under a special category of irritants.,but for some products there are other categories that can be applied such as mild irritants. Serious Eye Damage. This means that the damage caused by the substance or mixture affects the eye and the damage done is irreversible within a time frame of 21 days afte coming into contact. Materials that are in this category are classified under a single category that is harmonized. Eye Irritation this means that the damage caused to the eye can be reversed with in a time frame of 21 days after being into contact with the hazardous material. Marterials and products under this are placed under categories of irritation, but for special occasion and after application from relevant authorities products can be placed under special categories according to the severity of the damage they can cause. Respiratory Sensitizer the term will be used to refer to products that are going to cause hypersensitivity while breathing. It is characterized by wheezing and sneezing. This will in turn cause difficulty in breathing after the substance has been inhaled. Materials and roducts under this are placed under a single hazard category. Skin Sensitizer. This term under the GHS is used to refer to all substances and mixtures that are going to cause an allergic reaction after coming into contact with the skin. Another term for this is contact sensitizer. Materials and products under this are placed under a single ca tegory of hazardous products. Germ Cell Mutagenicity. The term is used to refer to the rise and increase of mutations of living cells. Materials and substances that cause these mutations are placed under two categories. This is according to the severity of the mutation they are going to cause after coming into contactn(United Nations, 2006). Other definitions include, Reproductive Toxicity, Target Organ Systemic Toxicity (TOST), Aspiration Hazard, and Carcinogenicity. The Environmental Hazards They are classified according to their toxicity as follows Acute Aquatic Toxicity. Under the GHS the term is used to refer to the intrinsic property of a substance or mixture to cause harm or injury to animals and organisms in water after being exposed for a short time. There are three levels of toxicity under the GHC. These are based on available data on toxicity of substances. In some regions the levels and categories will be extended into various sectors such as fishing, hotels etc. Chron ic Aquatic Toxicity– the term is used to refer to the potential or properties of substances and mixtures to affect the aquatic living organisms after being exposed. The effects are measured in relation to the organism’s lifecycle. The level of toxicity determines the categorization of these substances. There are four categories that are available under this (United Nations, 2006). Hazardous Classification of Mixtures Under the GHS protocol Under the GHS system mixtures are tested to see their effect on the environment and the health of organisms. This is based on the information that is available concerning the effect of the mixture and the substances or subcomponent of it. The practice used in identifying hazardous mixtures is borrowed from the EU system used in preparing mixtures and classifying them.In summary, the classification of mixtures under the GHS is based on the following three steps. If there is data available regarding the toxicological or the ectoxicol ogical aspect of the substance, then it is used in the identification and classification process. A bridging principle is undertaken when the data on this mixtures is not available. It tests the individual property of the components making the mixture. If both data for the mixture and the bridging principle cannot be applied, then a calculation or cut off values that is described in the specific end point is used in the classification of the mixture. Requirements needed for testing The guideline that is used in the GHS does not give information on how substances are going to be tested if they are hazardous or not. This is because GHS tries as much as it can to avoid using animals to test the materials and prefer other methods applied in the science world. This means that the determination of health and environmental hazards is based on various scientific methods that are based on international procedures and criteria already approved in different systems. the test data that is avai lable from different sources is used when classifying hazardous materials in different regiosns is adopted and encouraged.Advertising Looking for research paper on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This thereby avoids the need for animal testing. Under the GHS, materials are tested to see if they are physical hazards by using various test methods used by the UN. The tests for mixtures are also based on the same rules. When substances or mixtures have been ascertained to be hazardous according to the GHs, the information is supposed to be passed or communicated to relevant people including authorities and those that will be using the material. The methods used to communicate this messages are essentially the same as those used in other systems only that the GHS is internationally accepted. The GHS standards are put in place to help people and users to understand the things they need to do to protect themselves. The guiding principles used under the GHS are, Although business information and trade secterts are important in business they should not put the lives of workers at risk. The information transmitted should be placed in different modes such as labels and placards. The m essages should be written in a language and a way that an average person can understand easily. The information passed should contain a hazard statement as well as a statement that details the precautions that are needed.. The information should be consistent to each other to avoid confusion in interpretation and understanding. The communication should take into consideration all research and any new evidence that has been carried out. Some of the factors that affected the work included the comprehensibility of the labels because of difference in culture and language. Other factors that affected the work included Philosophies were sifferent in the systems being used regarding the things that were to appear on the labels. Ability to translate the phrases that were used Ability to appropriately understand the meaning and respond to the symbols or pictograms used These factors were considered when the GHS communication tools were being developed. The GHS developed the GHS purple b ook that gave a comprehensibility instrument to guide in formulating the labels. Label elements The standard label developed by the GHS includes the following. Symbols: the symbols transmit information on the healthbodily, and the environmental hazard information about the substance or mixture. They also include the GHS hazard class and category associated with the material. The pictures used should include also the harmonized symbol and other elements such as background and pattern. The symbols are borrowed from the EU system. Signal Words: include warning and danger words. These are used to emphasize hazards associated with the product. They are used to show the people the severity of the product they are using so that they can take the measures that are needed in handling it. The GHS says that only one of these signal words can be placed on a label so that confusion can be reduced. Hazard Statement: this is a statement that is placed on a label and will be used mostly on product s that have more than one risk. It will help people to identify potentially more dangerous substances. This is used to help people identify the hazardous substances and mixtures. The other additional label elements that are included according to the GHS are Precautionary Statements, Product Identifier, Supplier identification and, Supplemental information. Implementation of the GHS The implementation and adoption of the GHS is expected to help in making the international trade efficient. This going to be helpful in different countries that presently use different methods to communicate the hazard information of products. The implementation of the GHS has not been put on a time frame, but the goal of the United Nation was to have it adopted by many countries by the end of 2008. Different countries require different schedules to update and implement the GHS system and conform to the standards. For example, on United States published in an article that was going to guide the country i n adoption of the GHS. This was based on based on the Directive 67/548/EEC and needed to have it changed to conform to the GHS. The new regulation was expected to be passed by 2009 and to be adopted between 2010 and 2015. Australia expects to have the new regulations in place by the end of 2012. The United Nations monitors progress made by countries in implementing the GHS and it publishes summaries of the current status (United Nations, 2005). References PHMA. (2010). Global Harmonization of Hazard Classification and Labeling Systems. Web. Roughton, J. E Crutchfield, N. (2008). Job hazard analysis: a guide for voluntary compliance and beyond : from hazard to risk : transforming the JHA from a tool to a process Chemical, Petrochemical Process. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann. United Nation. (2010). Resolutions and Decisions of the Economic and Social Council. New York : United Nations. United Nations. (2004). A Guide to The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). Web. United Nations. (2005). Achieving the internationally agreed development goals: dialogues at the Economic and Social Council. New York : United Nations. This research paper on The Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals (GHS) was written and submitted by user Jazmin Sutton to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Free Essays on Methadone

Methadone-A Treatment? Methadone is a synthetic opiate. It was first synthesized by a German chemist during World War II and used as an analgesic. Methadone produces almost identical effects of that of morphine, but chemically they are very different. Methadone is used as a detoxification treatment for heroin addicts. It is also used to manage pain in cancer patients. Methadone belongs in the drug family opiates. It is grouped with such drugs as opium, morphine, codeine, and heroin. Opiates date back more than 3,000 years. Papyrus of Thebes, one of our earliest written records, gave instructions for the use of opium in the treatment of pain. (Hutchings, 1992) Opiates come from the milky juice of the poppy plant, in fact, the word opium comes from the Greek word for vegetable juice. Traces of poppy juice being used to alleviate pain can be found back to the third century B.C. By the 16th century though, the medicinal uses of opium were widely known across Europe. It was even written in 1680 â€Å"Among the remedies which it has pleased almighty God to give to man to relieve his suffering, none so universal and so efficacious as opium.† (Hutchings, 1992) During the 1800’s opium was so readily available it could even be purchased at the local grocery stores. Due to death rates increasing due to opium use, and rising drug-related crime rates, restrictions were implemented on the sale and use of opium in England in 1868. During the 19th century the United States caught on and they started importing opium for use as an aspirin. Physicians openly distribute the drug. You could also purchase opium in the grocery store, general, pharmacies, and even mail order. Many over-the-counter medicines, from teething medicines, to painkillers, could be purchased that contained opium. During the mid to late 19th century opium was very common. Opium dens, places where people would go, usually locat... Free Essays on Methadone Free Essays on Methadone Methadone-A Treatment? Methadone is a synthetic opiate. It was first synthesized by a German chemist during World War II and used as an analgesic. Methadone produces almost identical effects of that of morphine, but chemically they are very different. Methadone is used as a detoxification treatment for heroin addicts. It is also used to manage pain in cancer patients. Methadone belongs in the drug family opiates. It is grouped with such drugs as opium, morphine, codeine, and heroin. Opiates date back more than 3,000 years. Papyrus of Thebes, one of our earliest written records, gave instructions for the use of opium in the treatment of pain. (Hutchings, 1992) Opiates come from the milky juice of the poppy plant, in fact, the word opium comes from the Greek word for vegetable juice. Traces of poppy juice being used to alleviate pain can be found back to the third century B.C. By the 16th century though, the medicinal uses of opium were widely known across Europe. It was even written in 1680 â€Å"Among the remedies which it has pleased almighty God to give to man to relieve his suffering, none so universal and so efficacious as opium.† (Hutchings, 1992) During the 1800’s opium was so readily available it could even be purchased at the local grocery stores. Due to death rates increasing due to opium use, and rising drug-related crime rates, restrictions were implemented on the sale and use of opium in England in 1868. During the 19th century the United States caught on and they started importing opium for use as an aspirin. Physicians openly distribute the drug. You could also purchase opium in the grocery store, general, pharmacies, and even mail order. Many over-the-counter medicines, from teething medicines, to painkillers, could be purchased that contained opium. During the mid to late 19th century opium was very common. Opium dens, places where people would go, usually locat...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Academic Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Academic Methods - Essay Example When I just went through few websites that provide job search and opportunities like,, and and so on, it was amazing to me that I found that a very large number of hospitals are in need of Dentists. Entering in to the dentist career in UK will be a sign of social honor and success key to help me improve myself further yet and earn higher degrees. Bridges (2007) emphasized that a number of health associations including British Dental Association (BDA) and The British Dental Hygienists Association will strive to promote their members to maintain the honor of the dental professions, to get helps in practical learning and to provide opportunities for post qualification education (p. 31- 33). According to the latest report of (2010), on an average, a dentist earns a six figure salary and it was found that a dentist received a salary of a 13 % increase in the salary in the last year in UK. Without any increase in the workload, a dentist earns more than  £100,000 on an average ( When I thought about Saudi Arabia, most of its industries, including both manufacturing and service sectors, face difficulties and look at replacing foreign professionals. The Oxford’s Saudi Report (2008) reported that there are 2220 dental clinics in Saudi Arabia, but still, graduates are unable to find appropriate jobs. Many dental clinics are located outside the towns in Saudi Arabia and many are unwilling to enter Dental career (p. 184). As Saudi government and private hospitals are looking cheap employees from India, Pakistan and other countries, the current industry insights show that Saudi is not a better platform for a well paid, high demanded and b etter dignified profession like Dentistry. A bachelor’s degree is considered to be the minimum education required to enter the profession of dentistry