Saturday, December 21, 2019

Making up the Rococo Francois Boucher and His Critics

It seems quaint to a viewer in 2012 to consider that Franà §ois Bouchers paintings were, by some of the artists contemporary critics, viewed as pornographic. For those of us who live in the era of internet pornography, nothing could seem more quaintly innocent than Bouchers eroticized rococo. The twenty-first century viewer faces Boucher quizzically: we are left wondering how Bouchers work could have defined an artistic school and moment so completely, and also earned such opprobrium not only from his contemporaries but from subsequent generations. The simple answer although it would hardly appear obvious from Bouchers work is politics. Contemporary and subsequent response to Bouchers work is defined by a response to his powerful patrons. Melissa Hyde sees Bouchers work almost as a collaboration with that of his powerful patroness, and notes that Boucher would serve as tutor to Madame de Pompadour, and eventually received the highest honors that a painter could attain in his time, b y becoming officially premier peintre du roi (the kings first painter) and the director of the French Academy. This paper suggests that we may look in Bouchers use of classical motifs through his repeated depictions of the goddess Venus and understand an implicitly political ideology even in so unlikely a place as the eroticized frippery of the rococo. What may seem like vaguely classical decorative art in Boucher may be understood as implicitly offering an ideological stance: in some

Friday, December 13, 2019

Information System of Air Asia Free Essays

2. Information System of Air Asia Information systems are implemented within an organization for the purpose of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of that organization. Capabilities of the information system and characteristics of the organization, its work systems, its people, and its development and implementation methodologies together determine the extent to which that purpose is achieved. We will write a custom essay sample on Information System of Air Asia or any similar topic only for you Order Now Air Asia has carry out three type of information system such as yield management system (YMS), customer reservation system (CRS), and enterprise resource planning (ERP) system. This system make Air Asia more effective and efficiency and possibly able to reduce the cost and eliminated inefficiency in their business. 2. 1 Field Management System (YMS) Yield management system as revenue management system it understands, anticipates, and reacts to the behavior of customer to maximize revenues for the organization. In this system, Air Asia used it to takes into account the operating costs and aids Air Asia to optimizes price and allocate capacity to maximize expected revenues. Air Asia has done two level of optimization that is Seat and Route. For Seat is considered an opportunity to maximize revenue. Seats are available at various prices in different time. A reservation done at a later date will be charged more than the one done earlier (for the same seat). Next is Route, Route is the adjustment of price through a demand when the demand is higher compared to other. The effective method however is to combine these two levels for all flights, all routes so that both the seat and the route are effectively priced for all the flights. Air Asia can more understand the behavior of customer and offering the effectives and efficiency strategy. It also can allocate capacity to maximize the expected revenue. Air Asia can make efficiency to know their customer using IT technology with lowest cost by using this system. 2. 2 Customer Reservation System (CRS) Customer Reservation System is the second system that Air Asia implemented. It is an integrated web-based reservation and inventory system. It is includes Internet, call center, airport departure control. It also a direct sales engine that effectively eliminates the travel agents and the sales commissions that need to be paid to them. By using this system, Air Asia can reduce the cost and eliminates the travel agents and the sales commission to pay them. After that, this system are very customer friendly because the entire customer if want to buy or make a reservation a ticket directly via online, and no need to come to the ticket counter. In conclusion, by using this system effectively, efficiency, customer satisfaction, fast and secure in buying a ticket already met. It means the lowest cost can possibly achieve. 2. 3 Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) The last system that Air Asia used in maximized IT to meet the lowest cost during their business activities is the implementation of enterprise resource system (ERP). ERP can represent a comprehensive software approach to support decisions concurrent with planning and controlling the business. ERP is the system that integrated comprehensive software to make the information technology system more effectively and efficiently. By implementing this package, Air Asia is looking to successfully maintain process integrity, reduce financial month-end closing processing times, and speed up reporting and data retrieval processes. In addition, it is a system focusing on capturing transactions in daily operations and helping Air Asia to save its operational costs as well as to increase the efficiency and integrity in its operation. REFERENCE http://itsaboutmymot. wordpress. com/2009/08/31/the-airasia-company-strategic-management-%E2%80%9C-how-airasia-can-be-a-leader-in-the-lowest-cost-carrier-in-the-airplane-industry%E2%80%9D/ How to cite Information System of Air Asia, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Errors in DNA Replication Essay Sample free essay sample

Deoxyribonucleic acid reproduction is a biological procedure that occurs in all life beings and transcripts their Deoxyribonucleic acid ; it is the footing for biological heritage. The procedure starts when one double-stranded DNA molecule produces two indistinguishable transcripts of the molecule. The cell rhythm ( mitosis ) besides pertains to the DNA replication/reproduction procedure. The cell rhythm includes interphase. prophase. metaphase. anaphase. and telophase. Each strand of the original double-stranded DNA molecule serves as templet for the production of the complementary strand. a procedure referred to as semi-conservative reproduction. Cellular proofreading and error-checking mechanisms guarantee near perfect fidelity for DNA reproduction. While most DNA replicates with reasonably high fidelity. errors do go on. with polymerase enzymes sometimes infixing the incorrect base or excessively many or excessively few bases into a sequence. Fortunately. most of these errors are fixed through assorted DNA fix processes. But some reproduction mistakes make it past these mechanisms. therefore going lasting mutants. We will write a custom essay sample on Errors in DNA Replication Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These altered nucleotide sequences can so be passed down from one cellular coevals to the following. and if they occur in cells that give rise to gametes. they can even be transmitted to subsequent organismic coevalss. Furthermore. when the cistrons for the DNA fix enzymes themselves become mutated. errors begin roll uping at a much higher rate. In eucaryotes. such mutants can take to malignant neoplastic disease. ERROR CORRECTION: Deoxyribonucleic acid reproduction mistakes include:A ) Adding bases ( more than that are supposed to be added ) . B ) Removing bases ( from topographic points they are supposed to be in ) . C ) Puting bases in incorrect topographic points. DNA polymerase enzymes are surprisingly peculiar with regard to their pick of bases during DNA synthesis. guaranting that the bases added to a turning strand are right paired with their complements on the templet strand ( i. e. . A’s with T’s. and C’s with G’s ) . However. these enzymes do do errors at a rate of about 1 per every 100. 000 bases. n worlds. with our 6 billion base braces in each diploid cell. that would amount to approximately 120. 000 errors every clip a cell divides. Fortunately. cells have evolved extremely sophisticated agencies of repairing most. but non all. of those errors. Some of the errors are corrected instantly during reproduction through a procedure known as proofreading. and some are corrected after reproduction in a procedure called mismatch fix. When an wrong base is added to the turning strand. reproduction is stalled by the fact that the nucleotide’s exposed 3?-OH group is in the â€Å"wrong† place. During proofreading. DNA polymerase enzymes acknowledge this and replace the falsely inserted nucleotide so that reproduction can go on. Proofreading holes about 99 % of these types of mistakes. but that’s still non good plenty for normal cell operation. After reproduction. mismatch fix reduces the concluding mistake rate even further. Falsely paired bases cause malformations in the secondary construction of the concluding Deoxyribonucleic acid molecule. During mismatch fix. enzymes acknowledge and repair these malformations by taking the falsely paired nucleotide and replacing it with the right base. DNA fix. include. basal deletion fix. nucleotide deletion fix. double-strand DNA interruption fix. and mismatch fix ( MMR ) .