Thursday, February 27, 2020

Financial Aid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Aid - Essay Example The Student Guide to Financial Aid is particularly useful as it provides a search engine that navigates to specific college websites offering information about on-campus financial aid facilities. This will be particularly useful to Jack since his financial needs with respect to funding his education will most likely continue throughout his college enrolment. A scholarship is perhaps the most ideal method of obtaining financial aid for college since it does not require repayment. In this regard, given Jack’s financial background, this is preferable. According to The Smart student Guide to Financial Aid, average students like Jack who have not obtained a perfect grade point average and has no specific athletic expertise, can obtain scholarships. (The Smart student Guide to Financial Aid) Students with other traits can obtain scholarships. For instance a student may obtain a scholarship on the basis of community service. By opening the link FastWeb scholarship search, Jack can fill in his specific details and his potential to obtain a scholarship and to what extent will be calculated for him. (The Smart student Guide to Financial Aid) In any event, even if Jack qualifies for a scholarship, the scholarship itself may not be sufficient to fund his college education and he will be required to obtain additionally financial aid to supplement his scholarship. Federal funding is available under the Federal Student Aid also known as the FAFSA. (Qualifying for Financial Aid). An application is available free of charge at Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In order to qualify, Jack will have to demonstrate that he has a â€Å"financial need.† (Qualifying for Financial Aid). Although Jack is only required to have satisfactory grades while in school, he is not eligible for FAFSA unless and until he is enrolled in a postsecondary institution. (Qualifying for Financial Aid). Armstrong

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Areas of Concern to Ensure Business Success Case Study

Areas of Concern to Ensure Business Success - Case Study Example Finally, they are often unable to raise sufficient funds as they only rely on their own ability. Â  Diversification is a method used in spreading risk. In the case of Jones Electrical Distribution, the business is only in operation during summer and spring when the weather is conducive for construction work. He should expand operations to ensure that business activity is not faced by seasonality. He should try other products that sell throughout. Â  Having a fewer supplier helps in cutting down distribution costs and the degree of logistics of the company. Consistency in the quality of materials supplied is also assured. This also reduces the number of customer complaints and establishes an intimate relationship with the supplier. In addition, the supplier aims at pleasing the customer because of the huge quantities by giving discounts. It’s not fit to have a single supplier though because if the supplier is adversely affected by an event, the business is also affected. The supplier might also become complacent since he knows you cannot get a better supplier than them. Â  The $350,000 line of credit is not enough money for the business. Looking at the 2007 balance sheet, the amount of financing required in more than $350,000. The business requires twice the amount in order to bring its liquidity to an acceptable level. Â  Alternatively, Jones can consider using profits of the business as a source of finance. Secondly, he can borrow from friends at agreeable interest rates.