Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Philosophy And Mission At The University Of Phoenix

McDonalization has gradually become part of American’s culture, as it extended to most of the service and consumption organizations in modern society, including education, food, clothing and many more. As Ritzer puts it, the principle of McDonalization will become dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world. According to Ritzer, McDonalization has four main parts, which are efficiency, calculability, predictability, and control. The first dimension, efficiency, means the optimum method of completing a task. As for predictability, it means to assure that all products and services will be the same over time and in all locales. While looking at these dimensions, it does show some resemblances with the philosophy and mission at the University of Phoenix. According to the University of Phoenix’s philosophy, the curriculum are designed to be centralize, in which faculty members collaborate to create each program instead of the professor himself. What this means is that through the use of standardize course content, professors can’t decide on their own course content and that students have to study with a standardized curriculum. This is an example of what predictability is all about in higher education, students are required to take a same set of curriculum that was set out by the department without choices. This also means students are required to have the same teaching system, same textbooks, and same type of examinations. This allows theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Vission, Mission and Nursing Philosophy1008 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ Vision, Mission and Nursing Philosophy Mercedes Condom RN University of Phoenix NUR 588 10/13/2014 Every health care organization in the United Stated has a mission statement and a vision. We also can say that the mission and vision guides the organization purpose of service and practice. This is also true for colleges and universities. 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