Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Role Of Inter Professional Teamwork On Caring For...

The changes in the health system has led to the dominant of some professionals over other, mostly non physicians has dominated. This led to the rise in the costs of health services. Dow, Li, and Srinivasan wrote in their article, Training Residents for a New System of Primary Care, tips to train new physicians to overcome the raising costs and domination of non-physicians professionals and turn toward effective cares with lower costs possible. The solution emphasize the responsibilities of professionals to work together and share leadership, and to study the population to provide each patient with a quality low cost health care. This model stress three themes: The importance of inter-professional teamwork in caring for patients, the rise of patient-centered education within the healthcare system, and social responsibility of health professionals in the context of health disparities. To give the patient the healthcare quality they need, it is important that professionals of different spatiality to work together as a team. Working as a team would not just provide a high quality health care, but it could also lower the costs of the care provided as Dow, Li, and Srinivasan suggested (1442). In her article, Swan, Beth Ann, she talks about the cooperation and communication between professionals. During her husband, Eric, hospitalization in the Chicago academic health center, he had to be transfer to several units â€Å"from the neurologic intensive care unit to the step-down unit, andShow MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Unconditional Respect For All Persons1111 Words   |  5 Pagesbe understood and exemplified by all. Roles big and small, played by staff and patient alike, assure that proper care is given and received. Disrespect from any party can lead to miscommunication, difficult situations, and conflict. 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